April, 2021

Open Day a Great Success

April 12, 2021

With perfect weather for Open Day on Sunday 28 March, the day was a great success and proved to be a wonderful opportunity for our community to return to the College and new visitors to experience all College sites at their best.

All students, staff, parents and volunteers contributed significantly in making this day an incredible event with the grounds, classrooms, libraries and all learning environments looking superb.

A large number of new families took the opportunity to tour College sites with Principals, Prefects and school leaders. The Trinity Innovation & Creativity School attached very large numbers of visitors and the new Early Learning Centre at our Gawler River site was a highlight for many new families joining the College this year.

Many old scholars were welcomed back to the College and they also played an important role in the success of the event. The old scholars cricket and hockey teams were triumphant in games against current students while the current Open A Netball were victorious over the old scholars netball team winning 37-18.

If you were unable to attend Open Day but you would still like to experience all the College has to offer, regular College tours are conducted throughout the year. Find out more here.

Open Day Trinity Old Scholars cricket teams
Left to right: Trinity old scholars and our First XI cricket teams prepare to battle it out on the Waldeck Oval with the final result TOSCC 6/159 vs First XI 5/114.