
The College Family Handbook and College Calendar are produced annually and are the best source for useful information and key dates.

Trinity College has three Defence School Mentors (DSMs) that work across all sites. The roles were established in recognition that some Australian Defence Force (ADF) children experience difficulties transitioning into and out of a school upon posting or during parental absences due to deployment, exercises or courses. Download further information here.

Defence School Mentors

  • North & South Junior Schools
    Aaron Robinson (08) 8522 0632
  • North & South Middle Schools, Senior 
    Rikki-Lee Byrne (08) 8523 8101
  • Gawler River & Blakeview
    Emma Repacholi (08) 8284 9257

LAP is a student-centred and volunteer-based mentoring program designed to assist schools to implement one-to-one learning that supports, guides and enriches the wellbeing and learning outcomes of students. The program focuses on the wellbeing, academic, social and emotional needs of students through the powerful and positive contribution of mentors.

LAP involves the pairing of nominated students with a volunteer mentor from the community or a senior student. Nominated students and their mentors work together for one lesson per week, over an extended period of time, allowing them the opportunity to build a trusting relationship that assists in the learning process. Time spent with a mentor is intended to enhance the educational experience of the child, by providing them the opportunity to learn in an interactive and creative way that they enjoy and is more individualized to their interests and needs than is possible in the busy classroom setting.

We are seeking enthusiastic and committed volunteers to become LAP Mentors. LAP Mentors are not required to have any formal qualifications and are matched with a suitable student by the LAP Co-ordinator based on common interests or skills. LAP Co-ordinators provide ongoing support and can facilitate any training that may be of benefit to volunteer mentors. If you'd like to find out more contact your school's LAP Co-ordinator.

All Trinity College Early Years to Year 10 schools have active Parents and Friends Committees that support the work of the school in many ways. School events like Open Day, sports days, swimming carnivals, new student welcomes, student fundraising activities, reading support and school excursions are just some of the ways parents can be involved. Each committee meets about once a month and actively supports the development and activities of the school and College.

STARplex is a state-of-the-art facility owned and operated by Trinity College as a not-for-profit recreation centre for the benefit of the school and community. Parents of Trinity College students can take advantage of a number of discount offers for:

  • Fitness memberships
  • Swim centre membership and Learn to Swim
  • Babygym & Kindergym
  • Free creche

Visit the centre anytime during opening hours for further details and a free tour or telephone STARplex on 8522 0622.

* Terms and conditions apply

Trinity College is proud of its strong community support which dates back to the founding days of the school when families generously gave up their free time to help build the school and their children’s future. Being part of our community is an invaluable experience for your family. There are lots of ways you can be involved in your child’s education: assisting with reading or covering books in classrooms, becoming a volunteer in an office/library/grounds/learning support/canteen, joining the Parents and Friends or attending school events.

Volunteers are valued contributors to the College. Opportunities to volunteer at the College exist from time to time for family members who are able to contribute between one and three days (6-18 hours) per week. The College can reimburse up to $43.00 to cover out-of-pocket expenses associated with volunteering duties at the College. The reimbursement financially assists those families who would like to volunteer their time but would not be able to because of the cost involved. It is College Policy that these positions will continue as Volunteer Helpers make a highly valued contribution to the College.

We invite parents/guardians/grandparents/aunts/uncles of the College who are interested in becoming a Volunteer or LAP Mentor to register now, so that when need arises we can call on your assistance. To register interest, telephone +61 8 8522 0666 or download a flyer here.