Equestrian Centre
The Trinity College Equestrian Centre is located at 142 Bentley Road Evanston South. Private lessons with College horses can be arranged for Trinity students with Helen Barnes, Coordinator and Coach of the Equestrian Program.
Helen Barnes is an Equestrian Australia (EA) Level 1 Dressage Coach and is also an EA Skills Specific Trainer and Assessor. Students in Years 10 to Year 12 can train with Helen and be assessed in the EA modules of Riding and Horse Management, which can be used towards SACE points. These qualifications are required if riders are keen to train to become an EA Introductory Coach and beneficial if students have aspirations to study veterinary science or other equestrian careers.
The Equestrian Centre also hosts guest speakers and displays including horse dentists, farriers and horse acupuncturists.
For further information please email Helen Barnes (barneshe@trinity.sa.edu.au) or telephone 0408 834 143 or download an information flyer here.
Horsemanship Program
The Horsemanship Program enables students from the age of eight years to learn about the care, feeding, health, riding and harness driving of a horse. The program is certificate-based which enables students to appreciate their progress and celebrate the attainment of knowledge. The program operates in eight-week blocks, between 3.45pm and 5.30pm each weekday during the term time. For further information please email Helen Barnes (barneshe@trinity.sa.edu.au) or telephone 0408 834 143. For enrolments in the program, please email Leanne Tripa (tripale@trinity.sa.edu.au).
Competition with Trinity Equestrian
Horsemanship students have the opportunity to compete with College horses in the annual Trinity College Interschool Gymkhana. Trinity students who own their own horses are encouraged to participate in this event. Students who ride in the program are also invited to compete riding College horses. Watch some gymkhana fun from last year's event here..
Senior School Volunteering Opportunities
Students who have completed their Program Certificated are invited to volunteer at the Equestrian Centre for one or more days a week. Volunteers assist young riders learn about general horse care, riding, grooming and saddling. Students who volunteer may also be considered for College Pocket and College Blue awards as well as additional House point. For further information please email Helen Barnes (hjbarnes@internode.on.net) or telephone 0408 834 143.
Hall of Fame
Trinity College Hall of Fame inductees are old scholars who have represented a sporting team at a recognised open age national level, represented Australia at open level in international competition or held a national title or state record as an individual at open level.