Old Scholar Reunions

Help us Celebrate 40 Years of Opportunity

40th Birthday Community Dinner
Saturday 17 August, 7pm to 11pm
Adelaide Convention Centre

We invite current and past parents, staff, old scholars and members of the wider Trinity community to join us for a night of celebration and reminiscing that will include live entertainment, an archive display, the announcement of the inaugural Old Scholar Lighthouse Award winner as well a few surprises. We already have a table for the Class of 1994 & 2004 plus the Old Scholars Sporting Clubs attending. Don't miss your chance to attend this unique event. 

Tickets are $100 each and the price covers two course meal + drinks. BOOK ONLINE HERE.

If you need to update your contact details please complete that online form or telephone 08 8523 8754. 

Would you like to be a reunion convenor or guest speaker here at the College? If you are interested in assisting the Old Scholars Officer with the planning and co-ordination of your reunion, or willing to visit the College, please telephone 8523 8151.