Professional Certificate in Future Oriented Learning
The Professional Certificate in Future Oriented Learning (PCFOL) is a key component of the work of the Education Futures unit at UniSA to understand how to best implement and sustain innovation in schools. In 2020, a number of staff participated in the PCFOL through the Trinity Research Institute, with their work presented to the College community during a Research Showcase in February.
- Developing a Higher Sense of Meaning & Purpose Among Year 12 students
- How Could the Link Between Student Efficacy & Feedback Learning be Measured in a Literacy Context within Senior School English?
- Engagement With Learning Using SMARTAR Goals with Year 5 Students
- Adaptions in Student Self-Efficacy in PE Through Use of an Innovative, Postmodern Teaching Pedagogy
- Innovative Pedagogical Approaches to the Languages Curriculum Lead to an Increase in Student Self-efficacy
- Providing Effective Feedback: Effects on Student Self-efficacy in Writing
- Trial of the Creative Solution Diagnosis Scale (CSDS) as a Self-assessment Tool for Year 6 Students During Interdisciplinary Learning
- Trialing the Creative Solution Diagnosis Scale (CSDS) as a Professional Development Tool at Trinity College Gawler River
- Using Learning Analytics to Develop Staff Collective Efficacy Through a Targeted Instructional Coaching Approach