Engineering & Robotics
Building science, engineering and technology skills that inspire innovation and that foster well-rounded life capabilities including self-confidence, communication and leadership. Trinity competes in a range of robotics competitions, including FIRST Tech Challenge, FIRST Global Challenge and VEX EDR Robotics. Invitations to international competition may occur from time to time.
Students work as part of a dynamic team to design, build and program a robot, provide science and engineering opportunities for the community, promote robotics, the team, school and country, learn marketing and business skills and most of all, have fun!
Robocup Junior
RoboCup Junior is a project-oriented educational initiative providing a hands-on, scaffolded environment where learners can grow by expanding their knowledge of, sparking their curiosity about and increasing their comfort with technology. Three challenges (Soccer, Rescue, OnStage) each emphasising cooperative problem-solving; are designed to reach creative young minds with a range of interests and skills.
Engineering and Robotics
Designed for the upper year levels, Engineering and Robotics has students exploring solutions to real world problems using science, engineering and technology skills. After ideation, students test and prototype different designs using convergent and divergent thinking methods. Tasks can include, but are not limited to, material tests, 3D modelling, 3D printing, programming with robotic hardware, electronics with Arduino boards, equipment sourcing and documentation, data collection and physical material construction. Problems to be solved begin with a focus on empathising and value to assisting others.