Trinity College offers cricket for all students from Years 4 to 12. All matches are played on Saturdays, with morning matches within the College Internal Program (Years 4 to 7) or as part of the Sports Association of Adelaide Schools (SAAS) College wide competition (Years 6 to 12). First XI games are the only exception with matches taking place on Saturday afternoons. Skill development, participation and enjoyment are fundamental to all teams, with the First XI also committed to striving for success. Trinity is also fortunate to have an indoor cricket pitch, affectionately known as the Big Shed.
First XI
Our First XI players play in the SAAS competition against other Adelaide schools on Saturday afternoons. To be a member of the First XI Squad, students are invited to train with the group prior to the season commencing, but players performing in their year level are also eligible for selection throughout the season. The College also has a First XI Girl’s side, who play in the State Knockout Cup each year.
- Cricket T20 Open Girls
- Cricket T20 Open Girls
- Cricket T20 Year 8/9 Girls
- Cricket T20 Open Girls
- Cricket T20 8/9 Girls
- Cricket T20 Open Girls
- Cricket Open Girls
- Cricket T20 Year 8/9 Girls
Old Scholars
Old scholars are welcome to join one of our men’s or women’s teams after graduation. Find out more here.
Hall of Fame
Trinity College Hall of Fame inductees are old scholars who have represented a sporting team at a recognised open age national level, represented Australia at open level in international competition or held a national title or state record as an individual at open level.