Old Scholars

There are a variety of ways to stay connected with your classmates and the College!

  • Keep your details up-to-date to receive Trinity Times as well as invitations to special events and reunions.
  • Attend your graduating class reunion - four reunions are held each year five years, 10 years, 20 years and 30 years.
  • Like and join our Trinity College Gawler Old Scholars Facebook page to see the latest updates as well as recaps and images from recent gatherings. If you're not a member, please send a request to join, or for further information, contact the Old Scholars Officer on 8523 8754.
  • Share your story with the College and tell us what you have been up to since you left the College and don't forget to let us know if you've recently celebrated a significant milestone such as a graduation, new job, engagement, nuptials or recent addition to your family. Updates will appear in Trinity Times and on the Old Scholars Facebook page.

At Trinity College when we indicate or discuss your alumni year it refers to the year you graduated (or would have graduated) as a Year 12 student.

For example,

  • If you began at Trinity in Reception in 2009 and graduated in 2021 as a Year 12 student, your alumni year is 2021.
  • If you began at Trinity in Reception in 2009 but left Trinity when you were in Year 11 in 2020, your alumni year remains 2021.
  • If you began at Trinity in Year 7 in 2016, but left Trinity in Year 10 in 2019, your alumni year remains 2021.

We also publish alumni year in the following way:

  • John Citizen (2016) or John Citizen (Class of 2016)

If you're interested in assisting the Old Scholars Officer in the planning and co-ordination of your reunion or you would make time to visit as a guest speaker at an assembly or event, please telephone 8523 8754.

An acknowledgment board for old scholars who have achieved a Doctor of Philosophy is located in the Roma Waite Library at the Gawler site. 

Old scholars interested in adding their name to the acknowledgement board can self-nominate or be nominated by another person, must have attended Trinity College for at least two years and still uphold and/or reflect the values of Trinity College. 

Nomination Process

  1. Complete a PhD Acknowledgement Board Nomination Form
  2. Send us a copy of the published thesis (electronically or as a hard copy) for the College collection.
  3. Include details of the university where the PhD was obtained, thesis title and date of conferment of the PhD.
  4. Completed nominations can be submitted by email or in person to the Trinity College Development Office or College Archives. 

The PhD Acknowledgment Board is updated annually and nominees will be notified in writing when their name has been added. 

For further information, or to organise a visit to view the acknowledgement board, please email the Trinity College Old Scholars Liaison Officer.

The Old Scholar Lighthouse Award has been established to acknowledge and celebrate the diverse talents and achievements (both professional and personal) of our past students. Find out more here