2022 SACE Results

December 12, 2022

Trinity College congratulates all Year 12 students on their fine results for 2022!

  • Justin Henkel is Dux with an ATAR of 99.85
  • 41 students attained an ATAR above 90
  • The top 6 students attained ATARs above 98 placing them in the top 2% in Australia
  • Tegan Hardy (97.65) has become only the fourth Trinity student to be awarded a prestigious Governor of South Australia Commendation
  • Over 114 Trinity students scored ATARs above 70 in 2022
  • 358 ‘A’ Grades were awarded
  • 99.6% of students eligible achieved their SACE
  • 17 Trinity students commenced university courses while still at school

Trinity College 2022 Top 10 ATARS

  • Justin Henkel - 99.85
  • Krystal Collins - 99.2
  • Luke Stassinopoulos - 98.75
  • Angus Richardson - 98.65
  • Lachlan Smith - 98.5
  • Wayne Hann Ng - 98.45
  • Austin Nykke - 97.8
  • Tegan Hardy - 97.65
  • Emily Coombe - 97.45
  • Cameron Gilbert - 96.35

College Dux

In 2022 College Dux is Justin Henkel with an ATAR of 99.85! Justin achieved merits in Essential Mathematics and Chemistry and is keen to pursue a career in Medicine.

2022 Trinity College private school adelaide Top 10 ATARs